House, Gardens & Cafe Open Tuesday - Sunday 10.30 - 17.00

A chance to get closer to the natural world – at Nature Day

A chance to get closer to the natural world – at Nature Day

Reconnect with the natural world at Gilbert White’s House and Gardens’ annual Nature Day on May 15. We are hosting a range of interactive family activities throughout the day, that will bring you closer to our native wildlife through both the arts and science. There will also be an eco-fair where you can purchase sustainable products and crafts for your home. Nature Day provides the perfect opportunity to discover the gardens’ secrets. Discover the newts and frogs that lie beneath the surface of our pond, with the opportunity to delicately handle the creatures in our pond dipping sessions.

Join our guided meadow walks and be dazzled by the riot of colour from our native wildflowers and butterflies. Test your nerve with our bug hunting activity at our log piles. Finally immerse yourself in the stories of Beatrix Potter! The Garrett Theatre Company presents an interactive treasure hunt trail through the house and gardens for six iconic Beatrix Potter characters, including Peter Rabbit and Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle. On finding a character you will hear their story, learn facts about the animal portrayed and be set on a quest to deliver a message to the next character in the trail!

The schedule for the events is as follows:

  • 11.30am-12pm: Guided Meadow & Butterfly Walk
  • 12pm-12.30pm: Pond Dipping
  • 2pm-2.30pm: Bug Hunting
  • 2.30pm-3pm: Pond Dipping
  • 3.30pm-4pm: Guided Meadow & Butterfly Walk
  • 4pm-4.30pm: Bug Hunting
  • 11am-3pm: Beatrix Potter Immersive Character Trail

Nature Day is about bringing people together, and as such we are excited to bring to you a diversity of organisations helping to conserve nature. This includes organisations focused on wildlife such as, Hampshire Bat Group, the RSPB and Hampshire Wildlife Trust. There are also those more focused on the wider environment, such as the Selborne Landscape Partnership, the National Trust and the Woodland Trust. At each stand there will be nature-based activities helping you to explore the natural world. After the completion of each stall activity, children can collect a stamp with a prize at the end!

Finally, there is something for everyone at the eco-fair. Neal’s Yard will be selling remedies and organics, Blooming Cow will be offering a dazzling array of flowers, Willow and Crafts will be exhibiting their sculptures and Sage and Ivory will be showcasing their sustainable eco-products, including aromatic soaps!

All children go free to Nature Day and entrance for adults is £8, this includes admission to the house and gardens. Tickets can be bought on the day. Doors open 10.30am and close 5.00pm. Food will be available from our café and lawn takeaway. Extra car parking will be provided, follow the signage on the day.