Coronavirus Guidelines For Visitors
We have prepared the following document for all visitors to Gilbert White & The Oates Collections in line with current government guidance regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Our priority is to minimize the risk that COVID-19 poses to our staff, volunteers and our visitors.
We would therefore kindly ask that all visitors to the Museum to closely follow and adhere to the guidelines from Public Health England.
If you have travelled from or transited through any of the following countries or area in the past 14 days we would be grateful if you would postpone your visit or contact us by an alternative method:
- Mainland China, Daegu or Cheongdo in the Republic of Korea, Italy or Iran in the past 14 days regardless of whether you have any symptoms of COVID-19; or
- Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar or the rest of Italy and have developed the symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough or shortness of breath), even if your symptoms are mild.
If you have travelled to the UK from Italy, regardless if you have any symptoms, please do not visit the site and stay at home and follow current advice from Public Health England.
If you fall within category 2 above and develop symptoms of COVID-19 whilst at The Museum, please inform us immediately. If you develop such symptoms within 14 days of visiting us, please contact NHS 111 in the first instance but email Gilbert White & The Oates Collections Duty Manager as soon as possible at