Top seven historic apples

Core Blimey! It’s apple season!
Here at Gilbert White’s garden we love our apples which frequently get made into our preserves, juice and cider. But did you know we have many varieties of apple that are rather much older that those found in your super market? Here’s our top seven historic apples
1. Golden Pippin

top seven historic apples
From 1629 or perhaps earlier the Golden Pippin, keeps its shape when cooked. It has an intense brisk taste. John Hogg described it in 1860 as ‘the queen of dessert apples’
2. London Pippin

top seven historic apples

A very old variety dating from the 16th Century or earlier, they have a sweet nutty taste. The fruit has 5 prominent ribs around the crown, hence its synonym Five Crown Pippin.
3. Knobby Russet

top seven historic apples
Gilbert White would have known these as Knobbed Russteings. These odd looking fruits have a great taste despite their unattractive appearance.
4. French Crab

top seven historic apples
A late Eighteenth Century variety, possibly White’s ‘Winters Queening’. Keeps very well. Pleasant sub-acidic taste, a parent of the Granny Smith!
5. King of the Pippins

king of the pippins
All hail! Discovered in 1770s, this fruit has over 100 names! The flesh is firm, juicy and sweet with bitter undertones.
6. Blenheim Orange

top seven historic apples
Discover in 1740 by George Kemster growing against a wall at Blenheim Park. The apple tree’s hard wood was used to make railway cogs. The fruit has a sweet acidic taste.
7. Lemon Pippin

top seven historic apples
From 1744 or earlier, Lemon Pippins were grown for the market and it was recommended for drying as the slices do not discolour. There is a lemon like look to the fruit; they are sweet with a lemony like acidity.