House, Gardens & Cafe Open Tuesday - Sunday 10.30 - 17.00

Summer Activities At Gilbert White’s

Get into Nature

If you’re looking for a holiday camp with a twist, then sign up the children to our Nature Explorer Days running from the 7th-10th August, 10.30am-3pm. From bug hunting and bird watching to art and craft to games and challenges, there’s something for everyone! Each day will have different activities – participants can come for any number of days. Taking part in these sessions can help your children to develop a number of different skills and these sessions can count towards the ‘Discover’ and ‘Explore’ elements of the John Muir Discovery Award which can then be completed during the coming academic year through additional sessions which will cover the ‘Conserve’ and ‘Share’ elements. Nature Explorer Day tickets can be found Here.

Or if you’re visiting the House & Gardens and want a new activity to capture the children’s attention, then set them on the ‘The Lost & Found Explorer Challenge 2023’. The children must use a map, solve clues and use a compass to locate and name the mystery creature who has strayed from their natural habitat! An explorer prize can be claimed after the name of the creature is relayed to the reception team. To find out more click Here.

When it comes to participating in activities with your children why not try our drop-in and draw ‘Connecting with Nature through Art’ session on 22nd August 10.30am-2.30pm, which welcomes all ages. This event is part of the Art Fund’s ‘Wild Escape’ campaign, which aims to engage the public in the natural world through the ‘Wild World’ collective art project. Tickets are £3 adult, £2 child, and cane be found Here.

Outdoor Performances

Another great way to bring the family together is to laugh and sing out loud with our range of outdoor theatre and music performances this Summer.

Celebrate the beginning of the Proms on 28th July, with rousing melodies from Elgar’s Nimrod, Parry’s Jerusalem and more! 2023 National Finalists, Otterbourne Brass Band will uplift you into the Summer Season. Book your slot Here.

Then on the 8th August prepare to be spellbound by the Tale of Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny. Peter and his naughty cousin Benjamin know very well that they are not to go into Mr McGregor’s garden, but they cannot resist and soon they find themselves in all sorts of scrapes! This hair-raising adventure will bring laughs and smiles to all the family. So book your family tickets for this magical experience Here.

Do you have teenagers and are you looking for something to excite them? Well, if it’s something more rock and pop that you’re seeking out this Summer, then come along to Chapterhouse’s 21st Century Queen and 21st Century Elton on 13th August! Their timeless music will get you dancing and singing all night long, with amazing vocals, authentic costumes and the bar open too, what’s not to like! Book your tickets Here.

Finally, to wind down at the end of Summer, enjoy Jazz on the Mead, with the Sidewinder 18 piece band on 27th August. Remember to bring your picnic blanket and relax as the sun sets and the melodic tunes float along the summer air. Get your tickets Here.

Creative Workshops

If you’re looking for a quieter Summer then join on of our art and craft workshops.

Local artist Julia Morgan will be running ‘Dazzling Dragonflies: Watercolour Workshop’ on 25th July, 1pm-4pm. You will be taught how to capture the delicate shimmering wings and bodies of these iridescent insects. Or if it’s flowers that interest you then join our ‘Summer in Gilbert’s Garden: Watercolour Workshop’ on 17th August, 11am-4pm where you will use watercolours to create a quintessential cottage garden scene using wet in wet techniques to create sunlit foliage and shadows. Tickets for Dazzling Dragonflies can be found Here.

Our Artist-in-Residence Sophie Hacker will also be leading a number of workshops this Summer. First on the list is ‘Looking Closely: Observed Drawing Workshop’. Gilbert White was a keen expert at looking at the world around him with a very keen eye, so come and develop your drawing skills. The second session is ‘Painting With Sunlight: Cyanotype Workshop’ on 14th August. Cyanotypes are images that can only be created when the sun shines, so come to this guided workshop to create your very own cyanotype images. Tickets for Observed Drawing Workshop are Here and tickets for Cyanotype Workshop are Here.

All our workshops include all materials and tea, coffee and cake.

Discovering the Moths of Selborne

Finally, don’t forget we are resuming our moth nights over the summer with opportunities to see a variety of moths as the summer progresses.

Moths are sensitive indicators of the health of the natural environment and a vital part of the food chain; something which didn’t escape the attention of Gilbert White as early as the 18th Century.

You are welcome to join us from around dusk to see how the moth lights are set up and experience the first visitors of the night to the lights. As well as helping to identify any moths that are seen, there will be an opportunity to experience other nocturnal life in the grounds especially looking out, or listening, for owls and bats. Book Here.