Antarctic Talks 2020

Each year we explore Antarctica’s heritage and new science and this year’s program certainly doesn’t disappoint. We start off on the 27th February with Dr Robert Headland’s Antarctic Sovereignty; From Captain Cook to Operation Tabarin. Claims of sovereign territory in Antarctic regions began with the circumnavigation of Captain Cook but became

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Extra, Extra! Get your newspapers here!

Gilbert White & The Oates Collections have started offering a newspaper service as Selborne Stores closes its doors. ‘When we heard that the shop was closing, we decided to stock a few essentials in our café thus helping Selborne residents. In addition, with our on-going commitment to safeguarding the environment,

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What’s on in January

Its 2020, we can’t believe we are already in Gilbert White’s 300th anniversary year! January is easing us in to what is set to be a bumper year for the museum! Start the year right! January is a good time to put your best foot forward! A report recently discovered

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What to look forward to in 2020

2020 is a big year for the museum with Gilbert White turning 300 in July we are already working with more than fifty partners to make this year a celebration of Gilbert White as well as our usual events and activities, we’re getting tired just thinking about it! January We

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2019: A Recap

2019 Recap! 2019 was supposed to be a restful year between the craziness of opening our new galleries in 2018 and the craziness of Gilbert White’s tercentenary in 2020… how wrong we were. January: Hampshire Scout Joe, made his way from  Selborne in November to the South Pole in January!

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Gilbert White’s Christmas

Gilbert White was a clergyman and thus for him Christmas was ultimately a festival of faith. The lead up to Christmas is of course advent, rather than this being associated with opening little doors on your calendar each day; advent was a period of fasting and reflection. White would have

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The Quest for Frank Oates

On the 5th February 1875, Frank Oates died of fever on his way back from visiting Victoria Falls. Less than a handful of people know where this great pioneer, naturalist, artist, is buried. Ice Tracks a travel company is teaming up with the museum to offer a once in a

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What’s on in December

Christmas Decorations  ‘Tis the season to deck the halls, fa la la la la, la la la. It’s always worth coming to see the house in all it’s Christmas splendour, each room has a different theme based on the history of the house! 2. Mulled Wine Weekend Our Annual Mulled

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Mulled Wine Weekend

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas and we are gearing up to our annual Mulled Wine Weekend. This free event is perfect for everyone who is looking for some festive cheer, come and see the beautiful decorations and get taken on wassail an historic yuletide tradition. We will

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Thanks To You

Get Free Entry at Gilbert White & The Oates Collections between 23 November to 1 December National Lottery funded attractions say #ThanksToYou for 25 years of support Gilbert White & the Oates Collections is offering free entry to National Lottery players between 23 November to 1 December 2019.   They

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